Thursday, November 14, 2019

Finding my place

It has always fascinated me when people are so sure about what they want to do with their lives. People who have dreamed since childhood to be doctors or lawyers, only to grow up and achieve that goal.

I live in a state of constantly evolving interests. Sure I had childhood aspirations, but even as a young person I couldn't quite commit to any certain "dream job." I suppose that's why I write. I can put pen to paper and ramble on about anything. I can create characters that are doctors, lawyers, or even dark fairy queens. My ever changing voice is what makes me writing unique.

Because I don't think in a traditional way, I convinced myself from an early age that I was unworthy. I found myself always on the wrong side of things, and I struggled socially and academically. When you believe that no matter how hard you try that you're guaranteed to fail. It becomes difficult to even want to try. The endless worry leads to burnout, and you are left feeling even more worthless.

It wasn't until I found myself in a place where life had kicked me down more times than I could count. That I let go of fear, and made the choice to be unapologetically me.

I'm a writer. I always have been, even when I thought I couldn't be.

Have a magical day!


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